Devlog #42 | 6.25.24
Hope you're all doing well and keeping cool <3 I know for me it's started getting to.... the Hot Season. To celebrate the start of Hot Girl Summer (and the beta route going live), I of course had to draw the hottest girl, Kayn.
Now that we've paid respect to The Hot Girl, let's get into the devlog!
Writing has been fun this month. A lot of it has been dedicated to Etza edits and writing Kuna'a's route. We're getting to about the halfway mark with Etza edits, so we are definitely chugging along!
Sneaky peeky of a recent Etza edit
For Kuna'a's route, I said I wanted to have his first draft complete or almost complete by the next devlog, and I'm VERY PLEASED AND PROUD to say their first draft is In Fact almost complete! This is, of course, the very, very first draft so I'll be going back in to flesh some scenes out here and there and rizz him up even more. But I'm happy with the fact that at least the very base draft is done ^^
This month, I did quite a bit of drawing actually! I finished rendering two of Kayn's CGs, meaning 8 out of their total 9 CGs are finished YYYEEEAAAHHHH!!!!!
Because Fenir's beta will be going out soon, I wanted to make some headway on his CGs. This month, I ended up finishing 3 of his CGs and sketching two. I'd really like to get 5-6 of his CGs finished so that it's a similar amount to Kayn's beta, so here's to praying!

I also finished Senja's (they/he) sprite and base expressions. His outfit was designed by very talented bestie @saffein-e so please thank them for doing god's work o7
Finally, this past month we worked mostly on Kayn's beta route and getting Fenir's beta route ready for Patreon access!
If you'd like to try out Kayn's beta, you can get access to it if you subscribe to my Patreon (tier Hydra). Beta access to Kayn's route will close as soon as Fenir's beta goes up which will be early July, so if you want to experience Kayn's beta, definitely make sure you subscribe before it ends!
Player feedback for Kayn's route so far has been really positive, which has been a relief, especially since Kayn's route is the first one I wrote so is arguably the roughest (I have a big soft spot for it and like it, but I'm obviously Biased). So I hope you're all looking forward to it!! <3
Gold nugget from beta player feedback
I also have started the voice acting sessions for the characters, which is EXTREMELY EXCITING!! That's the last asset I need basically, so the fact we have finally entered a stage where we can start recording is crazy. Our current session is for Kayn's route, but in the coming months we'll be moving to the next routes similar to how beta-testing is going :')
Aside from Kayn's route, I've also been working on coding Fenir's beta route. Rereading his script and he's... a cutie, I'll admit. So I hope the Fenir fans are excited for his route to enter the beta phase!
Last thing, but I also ran a poll on Tumblr on Alaris's release, basically asking whether you all would prefer a full or segmented release. The results were basically 50/50 LMFAO and that's the vibe I've been getting in general. So while I don't want to solidify anything yet, just let it be known that Alaris may end up having a segmented release, where the first four Central routes are released first, and the Fae routes a bit later. I'll see how I start feeling as the year goes on and where Alaris stands, but thank you all for the support and understanding for the poll <3
I was pretty busy this month, so I didn't have too much time to do market research :cries:
I did see the new Haikyuu movie..................... And I am the biggest Haikyuu fan. Quite literally if you want to know everything about who I am as a person and creator, watch Haikyuu and you will understand who I am to my deepest depths.
But aside from that, I want to give one last shoutout to our Hot Girl Summer cross-promo! If there are any games you haven't tried out in this little set, I highly recommend giving at least 1 or 2 of them a peek! All of the games are so charming and have some similarity to Alaris, whether it's a personality mechanic, hot Fae, or a fantasy/ adventure story :')
Links to each of the game pages are in the images, so if any of these titles pop out at you, feel free to click on it and you'll be redirected to the game's page! <3
I'm pretty happy with the progress we made this month. While there's still a lot to do, it's satisfying to see Alaris come more and more to life with each month. See you all next month with hopefully more exciting progress!
Get Alaris
Not all mysteries can be explained by the logic of man
Status | In development |
Author | Crescence Studio |
Genre | Visual Novel, Adventure, Interactive Fiction |
Tags | Amare, Anime, Fantasy, LGBT, Narrative, Otome, Romance, Story Rich |
Languages | English |
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I'm so excited!! Kayn has always been my favorite (w/ Etza being a close second) and although I don't have the money to gain access to the beta route right now I'm just so happy to see this amazing game come to life!! You've done an amazing job on this project and thank you for all of your hard work for us fans!! :D
*their route. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure Etza solely goes by they/them.
i can't see the og post but do want to confirm etza solely uses they/them!
real talk though im so excited for fenir’s route!! so funny how these seem to be being published in the order of who i was going to pursue anyway lolol
LMFAOLSJIEF i didnt know you would find this HAHA... it was so funny i always like sharing beta tester reactions when i can ^^
thank you for the support!! hopefully you enjoy fenir's as much as you enjoyed kayn's <3
I always enjoy seeing your devlogs!! If you are ever in need of a Voice Actor for small parts, I'm an aspiring voice actor for visual novels and I'd love to help out :D
thank you so much for the support!! and that is so kind of you <3 i'm not currently looking for VAs for projects but whenever i am, i post the casting calls on twitter ^^ best of luck on your VA adventures!