Devlog #41 | 5.28.24


Hope you're all doing well <3 We're already getting into summer, which is a little crazy to me. The year is flying by! Before I get into what we actually did this month, it wouldn't be a May devlog without our annual Mermay celebration!

Since I already had updated Mermay pieces for the Alaris LIs, I decided to do one for our beloved Van this year ^^ Hope you all like it!

For writing this month, I spent a lot of it catching up on Etza edits. Being totally transparent, I wasn't Completely Happy with their route when their draft was finished. But now that I've started the editing process with Wudgey, I'm really excited to see how their route is shaping up!!! We've been fleshing a lot of little interactions out with their route, and I can already see Etza's character really starting to shine with these edits ^^

I've also been chipping away at Kuna'a's route! While it's nowhere near finished, I'm hopeful that this upcoming month will be the month of Kuna'a now that I don't have a bunch of releases I'm trying to balance. His route is also one of the ones whose outline is more fleshed out (Druk and Etza I would say were the least fleshed out, which might be why they also took a bit longer). So I'd love to see Kuna'a's first draft complete/almost complete by the next devlog!

This month, I had to dust off my art skills tbh LMFAOIJSDF. It's been.... a WHILE since I've made CGs since I've been in the writing and coding dungeon for so long. So most of this month's art updates are me getting tilted from redrawing an ugly sketch over and over.

I DID manage to get the Van Mermay piece out. And I also was able to sketch out Kayn's Tragic End CG; that leaves only one CG that has to be sketched out! Currently, six of their CGs are finished, two need to be rendered, and one needs to be drawn still.

And since Kayn's CGs are mostly done, I've started drawing Fenir's. I was actually able to finish one because I basically Locked In when I made it, so here is a sneak peek!

I kiss his little pink nose

I was able to get an updated version of the demo out (like literally a couple minutes ago LMFOLSDIJF). It has a couple of typos and bugs fixed that some observant players caught this past month ^^ It also features a special little number (the Alaris trailer) that you're able to watch once you finish a playthrough and/or if you sit on the main menu for a little while :) It's exciting to see the trailer in the demo now, as it makes the game REALLY feel complete!! Thank you as well for everyone who has played the demo this past month <3

You might notice there's not toooo many updates on this month's devlog. The reason for that is because this month, I spent a lot of it recovering both mentally and physically. April shenanigans and those back-to-back releases took a lot out of me, and after going full speed basically since this year started, I learned I REALLY needed a break. That coupled with the concussion I got made it so that most of this month was focused on recovering and then getting back into the groove of things.

Another thing I tried to focus on this month was finding a balance in my workflow. Going into this month, I felt like I was on the verge of a mental breakdown almost every day, in large part because I have a lot of big things I'm trying to accomplish this year. Between finishing my dissertation, Alaris, and a personal big event that I have to plan, I have a lot on my plate this year, and it's made it easy to get overwhelmed as the months pass by. So I wanted to find a balance between all three that didn't make me feel like I was also falling into insanity. After talking to beloved Wudgey of @herotome fame, I've started adopting a schedule that gives me enough structure and flexibility to feel like I'm making progress without going crazy and getting lost in the sauce.

While it's still early in the process, I'm really happy with the balance I've hit, and I'm feeling much more like myself now compared to a month ago!

I caught up on quite a few things in my backlog this month, which made me happy ^^ I always like to learn from and support other devs, so finally being able to return to that helped with the recovery process <3

I don't have any actual fanart pieces, but there are a couple of games I'd like to highlight!

First of all, of course I must talk about our hot girl (/gender neutral) summer cross-promo. If you haven't checked out these games, I can't recommend them enough!!

Specifically, Save the Villainess, The Good People, and Thorn for the Villain are amazing games if you're into thriller/political games layered with mystery

The Silent Kingdom (which I played recently and is AMAZING) and Dual Chroma (Otojam 2023 ALLY) have added mechanics of RPG for exciting action-adventure fantasy stories

Lost in Limbo, Obscura, and Snow White Ashes are BEAUTIFUL dark fantasy games. I've played all three of these and they have some of the most beautiful writing and visuals... BIG FAN OF ALL OF THEM.

Mask Beyond Lies and Sigh of the Abyss have that epic fantasy adventure appeal to them, in a way that I think is similar to Alaris! And Pearlglow Cafe (another Otojam 2023 ALLY) is a very lighthearted and charming game for those of you who like the comfy vibe that most of my stories have!!

Okay I've yapped enough. If you've made it this far, you are god's strongest soldier LFMASLDIFJ. See you all next month with hopefully some exciting progress!

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Glad to be one of god's strongest soldiers ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜Œโœจ๐Ÿ’ž 

Anyways, glad to see you prioritized your overall health this month and still managed to get some things done! Always great when that happens~ That Fenir CG is chef's kiss, especially ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž

Best of luck and have fun with Kuna'a's route next month! You got this ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿ’ž


LOL you made it to the end!!! *bestows god's strongest soldier medal upon you*

yes, i think it was a really productive month in a way, even though it was mainly dedicated to recovering! it kinda built a solid foundation for me moving forward, so i think even though there might not have been as much progress as previous months, it will help a lot for the future ^^

thank you l, wishing you a month of good health as well!!! and i'm glad you liked fenir's little cg hehe <3 

Omg! What an honor! *wears medal with pride* ๐Ÿ˜Œโœจ๐Ÿ’ž

Yeah! You gotta maintain your health to keep moving forward nicely, so it's def a great move to take. As they say nowadays; Self-care is productive ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’ž

And thank youu! Hyped to play Fenir's route to the fullest fr! He's gotta be my fave so far ๐Ÿฅณโœจ๐Ÿ’ž