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I love this game, it left me with such a bittersweet feeling when it ended. I like that it explored different types of endings in each life and put me through a gauntlet of emotions. Wish it was longer because I got attached to their story, but it's a good length from a story-telling perspective. 10/10 would recommend.

Ahhh this is so great.  Like another commenter, at first I thought this wasn't a game with many choices, and though it was cute, I like having choices so I almost walked away, but I'm so glad I didn't.  Just keep going. It's not over when you may think it is.

(1 edit)

As a person who is skeptical about supernatural things, I always get a flea in my ear when I watch/read about things like that. like, I want to believe it's possible, but I still want to keep my feet on the ground.

I definitely don't want to cry just imagining myself in MC's place if it were in real life, because it hurts if it's just in a game. anyway, I had already seen it on my feed but I chose to ignore it and I regret it, the soundtrack, the VA, the story itself and the Van captivated me.

the font is really hard to read, which is unfortunate because the game looks really really interesting and i really want to play it. tried but it breaks the immersion, having to read each word slowly. i wish there was an option for a more generic font, or at least a boldened option

I just found and played through it. I'm totally not ugly crying. This was beautiful. I love Van <3

(1 edit) (+1)

I actually love this game so much i almost cried when i finished it (a bit dramatic but YK)

AND OMG the  soundtrack? makaes me love the game even more ssajosakam!!! got me listening to it daily on spotufy

I loved it immensely, This soulmate stuff really gets me <3 and he's so pretty!!


it was ok at best imo 
it just felt like i was reading a webtoon rather than playing an otome game uk? like i get why some ppl could like it but personally not for me 
also its the fact that we have 2 choices to make in the whole game but those choices have like no impact on the ending at all 
the art IS really pretty tho i have to give it that


hi! thank you so much for playing the game and leaving a review <3 i noticed you mentioned there only being two choices, so i just wanted to let you know if you've only played two choices in the game, you didn't play the full story! there is a mechanic in the game (there's an animation on the main menu that will signal to you what you should be pressing to continue the game) if you want to experience the full story. if what you played didn't interest you, obviously no need to give the rest of the game a chance but i did want to at least make note of that for you so that you're aware! if you play the rest, hope it's more enjoyable for you but if not, thank you for at least giving it a try! ^^

(5 edits)

oh my god the soundtrack is PEAK! one of the best of the games i've played. and the voice acting! so natural.

this game made me think about soulmates and fate and all that, things i normally dismissed. it planted the seed of belief. maybe they really do exist. that would be so romantic. and why not indulge?

p.s and as a hopeless romantic, i teared up at the end. love this game


i really like this game! i was a little confused at the beginning but as it went on i understood the plot. I'm a sucker of enemies to lovers so when the game had a part about it i knew i was hooked. it's a nice game. I've had a fun time! 


I love everything about this game it's so much fun to play

(1 edit)

Is there a place to listen to the music outside of the game? I want it in my playlist on my phone

Edit nvm I found a playlist on YT ahhhhh

Another Life


THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL, I have no words TvT. All I know is I'll miss Van. This game is such a masterpiece ngl, so good!


Hello again!! I've come back to replay the game after a year, and I didn't even notice that it got a full update. It's amazing. It's still so, so amazing. The music, the voice acting, the art, it's all a treat, really. It's so much more than the original game, not that I'm saying the original was bad, this one is just so good. Better, even. There's so much filled into the cracks, so much. I have pretty bad memory, so I don't really remember much of my old gameplay, and I don't think I have the original game to compare since I changed devices since then, but I know that there are changes to the story, voice acting, and other things, that there are so much more added into it. It's all a nice treat. It's so good, it feels so unreal. 

The feeling that I got from my last gameplay, it's still there really LMAO even if I don't really remember it. I wasn't rly kidding when I said this changed the trajectory of my life and changed my view on soulmates completely, and how the impact of this super well made game got to me immensely. 

Now, to everything. Since my memory is super bad and my entire gameplay rhis time felt like a new experience, I'll talk about it all now. 

The story is still so good. Still so moving. Still so amazing, really. The writing is immaculate, and the depiction of soulmates is just so perfect. There were scenes that I felt weren't added before, like the opening scenes in 'I would choose you', well I'm not sure, and they're still so good, even if I don't know if they were there before. They're nice, they're cute, they're a nice addition and it warmed my heart, and it felt like exactly what I needed. Meeting one another, loving one another and reuniting with one another is a also a really good and gentle way to depict everlasting love, which is... I don't know how to explain it, really. It's just all super good. 

Then, the art. Theyre as amazing as always. I don't know if any more were added, but I do know that all 6 are still very, very very very very very beautiful illustrations. The art is always eye candy, and everything else that comes with it is nothing but a treat. It's so amazing.

The VOICE ACTING!!!!! I still love the voice acting, after all this time. It's still so good, so natural, and there are definitely more voiced lines before, and the voice actor did such a good job on all of them!! 

The MUSICCCCCCCC!!!!!!!!!!! The music is amazing. It's good. Immaculate. Gorgeous. There are not enough words in the dictionary to define the music. The music pulls into the vibes of the game so well, and it's all so pleasing to listen to that I can listen to it repeatedly, as I sleep and think about things. It brings a warmth to the game and ties it together so neatly, so perfectly. I could tell that there were new tracks, and its all perfect, it's all candy to the ears. 

The ui, I feel like i should comment on the UI because I'm still blown away with how creative and beautiful it is. I couldn't word it properly back then, but the ui is beautiful. It's so pleasing to look at, it brings a tinge of gentleness and warmth. It's so well made, well thought of, and it's very fitting for a soulmate theme. 

Thank you so much for making and expanding this game. This game is still undeniably my favorite, and one that put a feeling in me that I deeply cherish. You all did such good work, and thank you so, so much. 

(im sorry I don't think you'll really allat, but I just wanted to get my thoughts out lol. I hope I did this properly this time. I don't even know if you remember me...sorry. Have a good day, and I really like this game, I think....) 


Hello, I am a translator of visual novels and I would like to offer you to translate your game into Russian or Ukrainian so that the game is known not only to English-speaking people, but also to CIS countries

really sweet!


I just finished playing and... This is the most beautiful visual novel I have ever played before. Even had me crying in the final life, or is it ? I like to believe that they/we lived endless of other lives together. This game is truly a masterpiece and i will never get over it, if I could erase my memory of this game I would,just so i could experience this game for the first time again. Van took the first place in my heart and also took Cove's place (From 'Our life : Beginning and always'). I for sure will play this game again <3

(1 edit) (+2)

This game has me feel some feelings! I am already a crybaby why did anyone let me play this game?!
I love it....pls make another one like this ;////;


omg i love this so much!! >w< <3 <3


OMG, i can't even begin to tell you how much i LOVED this!!! it's one of my favorites and i don't think i'll ever find a better visual novel. it made me wish there was a real person like Van meant for me out there in this world. Thank YOU SOOOO MUCH, Crescence Studio! <333333333333333333333333333333333333

OMG, this is the best visual novel that I have had read AND it's free too. This is soooo good uhuhuhu actually made me cry. Also, the voice acting, quotes, and music are all VERY GOOD AAAAAAAAAAAAAA. It made me really question myself if there really is this thing called as 'soulmate' and if we're bounded by a red string of fate. Also, it made me think if fate really does exist and our interactions in our day-to-day lives is not just a mere 'coincidence'. VJBEIBHVSIBEVISBHVKJSEBH THIS IS SO WELL MADE I CAN'T! TYSM!!! <3333


OH MY GOD. What a masterpiece I found here, I love the trope of soulmates-in-another-lifetime type of thing SO much, this was my cup of tea. I'm glad that you created this story 💗 

Hey! Safari browser user here. I’m unable to type my name in at the beginning and thus can’t progress. It was in the “Phone browser” category so I’m very  confused and stuck. Any clarification would be really appreciated <3


Hey i've got the same problem here. I play on my laptop and i can't even type my name. Maybe it's the server problem i guess...

I was listening to deja vu when the deja vu screen came up. You don't understand how creeped out I was TvT

omg TvT

Epic pfp :3


AHHH, I know I'm very late, but I just want to say... This game is wonderful. How the game works and its mechanics, it's like a breath of fresh air, well, for me, and I love it! I was surprised that some of the lives have a premonition of some sorts, like Van saying he'll still love MC whether they were a worm or not, and surprised surprised, MC turned into a worm in their 5th lives (intertworm). I like that, giving you a hint on what may occur. And I'm still scared to click on the (until next time) option, because it did say all of my data will be deleted, now I don't know if it's another lives they have with one another. Overall, this game made a deep impression on me! Thank you for creating this!!


I did it all again, I love this story even though it was confusing at first. t=The art is so beautiful which makes it even better, I wish there was more to this

i played partway through on the browser and clicked save but now al my progress is gone :(

This was a beautiful story. Almost cried while playing. The writing is amazing and this story was crafted so well. Probably one of the best stories in a visual novel ever. It touched my heart very deeply. A job well done. <3


Really enjoyed this game. It was interesting to see how each interaction was a different lifetime and it all connected to Van being the one to keep those memories. The VA was really nice (not too dramatic/forced and matched his visuals). I also had to look in the comments to realize I was supposed to click on the red thread to continue the story...whoops. 

This game was truly beautiful. In a very comfortable way it throughly explained how I feel soulmates and reincarnation works. The artwork is phenomenal, the story, the emotional experience, the execution was displayed beautifully. Honest to god, if a sequel was made I'd not walk, but full blown sprint. Great job!!!! The voice actor has done Van some major justice! I tend to be a huge sucker for romance and not a single disappointment to be found! I would absolutely play this when I need a pick me up or just need a break from the world, (which is all the time) Thank you for such a gorgeous experience.

I'm playing the game that I downloaded from here to my PC. I got to the wish portion during the meteor shower but I'm returned back to the main menu. Clicking on "Start" starts me back to the beginning and I'm in a loop where I can't go forward even after trying different options. How to get past the wish scene?


OHH. I didn't realize I had to click on the "string" above the "start" button within the title to continue. It was very easy to miss.

Finished the game. Very lovely story. LOVE THE ART and GUI. I'm definitely inspired.


It is truly the best story game I have ever played. It teaches a lot about how you will always find happiness in the end with unwavering determination. This is one of the only games that genuinely had me emotional. A 10/10 is not enough to describe how amazing this game is; it is truly on another level! Thank you for sharing this story with us.


I AM CRYING 😭😭😭 I can't explain my feelings. This game is so IMPRESSIVE. 



Thank you for reminding me that I can be happy in the end. (and how alone i am)

After the comment about propose... I need it too. I thought that this game has not endings, it just goes straight, and now I see it??? I NEED IT


the game is complete and has a full ending! if you haven't unlocked all images in the gallery, you haven't finished the game. there should be an animation on the title screen that signals what you need to click to continue the story---there's also a walkthrough linked on the game page if you need more help :) 

Thank you, a little later I saw a hint that I needed to click on the knot. I was able to continue the game <3


I freaking love it!!!! I cried when I got to the part where Van proposes. Like after all the lives, we will have a happy ending.

This is absolutely amazing


you should make a genderbend version vans fem name would be vanessa and it could make the lesbians/bi girlies happy

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